Super-Collection of Tyrone Nesby Basketball Cards
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The Tyrone Nesby Collection
I met Tyrone when we were both in high school. He was competing in the Slam Dunk contest at our state high school basketball tournament and I was competing in the 3 point contest. He won the dunk contest and then went on to play in college and the NBA. I got 2nd in the 3 point contest and went on to play one more year of high school basketball. Pretty much the same hoops careers I’d say?
In this Sports Collector’s Daily article, Nesby recalls how the first autograph he ever signed was for another kid when he was in the high school dunk contest. Well, I had him sign the program we were both in (pictured below) so I might be that kid he was referring to! That high school connection inspired me to start building a collection of Nesby cards.
According to TCDB.com there are 116 different Tyrone Nesby cards and I have over 80 of the 116 in my collection. However, there are at least a few undocumented cards that I’m trying to research (see 1999 Finest). It’s going to take some time and effort to track down the remaining rare and scarce cards I need. I think there are about 33 I still don’t have.
Enjoy the collection and let me know if you have any of the ones I still need!
Standard Cards
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Other Items
Autographed High School State Tournement program