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There are two things elementary and jr. high school age boys like.
1) Stickers
2) Gross things
The 1978 Fleer Beautiful People set had both!
The Details
The details of this product are hard to come by. Most sources indicate it was released in 1978, but there are some sites which say 1970 or 1971. Beckett says 1985. PSA also says 1978 for what it’s worth.
Wax boxes contained 24 packs priced at just 10c each. Packs had a piece of gum with the cards and stickers. There were 50 different stickers in the set. 28 of the stickers had a light yellow background and the remaining 22 had a white background. There was also a subset of 14 cards which featured a “free” service that just seemed a bit off.
Each sticker had a cartoon with some kind of gross or disfigured character on it. Most had a line where you could write the name of your dreaded enemy so everyone would know Billy had Athlete’s Foot! The light brown backs of the stickers contained the following instructions:
1)Fold and Peel off Sticker
2) Write Your Firend’s (or Enemy’s) name
3) Stick it You Know Where!
None of the stickers or cards are numbered.
Here is what the front and back of the 1978 Fleer Beautiful People Stickers look like.
Availability and Value
These stickers are fairly tough to come by. At the time of this writing, there are none listed for sale on Sportlots or COMC, and only a handful of related listings on eBay. You can see the current eBay listings at this link.
It seems that the prices range from about $1-$3 each if you can find them, which doesn’t seem too bad for how scarce these stickers are. There are also a handful of empty wax boxes and wrappers as well as a sealed pack available from time to time.
1978 Fleer Beautiful People "Free Service" Bob D. Builders Card
Search for stickers and cards on eBay.
Free Shoe Shine
Free Tailoring Service
Bob D. Builders
Free Sample Course
Free Haircut
Charlie’s Charm Center
Free Treatment
Free Mud Pack
Free Massage
Free Manicure
Free Dance Lessons
Dr. Shocks
Free Cosmetics
Head Shrink Special
Big Lover?
Did It!
Eats Soap
Eats Trash
Got Caught
Has a Hole in His Head
Has Athlete’s Foot
Has Bad Breath
Has Big Ears
Has Buck Teeth
Has Pop-Eyes
I Eat Anything
Is A Big Mouth
Is A Bone Head
Is A Crater Face
Is A Dirty Person
Is A Dumbell
Is A HunchBack
Is A Loser
Is a PimpleHead
Is a Pin Head
Is a Sweat Hog
Is A Swinger
Is All Wet
Is Lumpy
Is Slimy
Is Ugly
Loves Boys
My Favorite Teacher
My Name Is “Call Me Big Nose”
My Name Is “Call Me Fatso”
My Name Is “I Stink”
My Name Is “I’m A Yo-Yo”
My Name Is “Kiss Me”
My Name is “Kick Me”
My Name is “Let’s Do It”
My Name is “Let’s Streak Baby”
My Name is “Me Worry”
My Name is “Body Beautiful”
My Name is “Call Me Slurpy”
My Name is “Godzilla Breath”
My Name is “Pimplehead”
Needs a Bath “I Stick”
Needs a Bath “Smell Here”
Wants You
Needs a Kleenex
Wears a Girdle
World’s Fastest Lover