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9 Best Sports Card Podcasts in 2023

Podcasting continues to grow and has the potential to become the premier platform for content creation.  Sports Card podcasts are growing right along with the rest of the sports card industry which is great news for us collectors! I recently started the WaxPackHero Sports Card Minute Podcast, and I’d love if you took a second to check it out. It’s available here on the site, or on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and TuneIn!, or a variety of other platforms. There are a growing number of other great shows out there, many of which helped inspire me to start my own.

Here in no particular order are some of my favorite podcasts in 2023. A few names have changed since the last version was released! You will notice content with varying perspectives. Long term collectors, newly returning collectors, modern, vintage, multiple sports, and differing perspectives on approaching the hobby with a business mindset are all represented. Push yourself to hear different perspectives and prepare to grow!

Card Talk Pod

Card Talk is the creation of Tyler Schmitt (@TySchmitt5), Lou Geneux (@louisgeneux) and Ryan Johnson (@cardcollector2). Tyler and Lou are newer to the card world, while Ryan is a hobby vet and runs a successful card shop in Ohio. They often discuss collecting styles which are different than mine which is one of the things I appreciate most about the show. You can check it out on the 137PM YouTube feed or directly on their podcast feed here.

Stacking Slabs

Brett McGrath returned to the hobby about a year ago, and in the midst of the pandemic decided to start a podcast sharing his passion with other collectors and investors. I love the excitement he shares with the audience and his willingness to learn and admit the mistakes he’s made along the way. He challenges my perspectives on grading and he opens me up to different ways to view the hobby. One thing we agree on for sure is his advice to focus on cards that make you happy! Follow Brett @stackingslabs and be sure to check out his episodes as they release two times per week.

Sports Card Nation

John Newman created the Sports Card Nation (@sportscardnati1) in late 2018 as an outlet to discuss sports, sports cards, and life.  The show consistently releases each Friday, and the quality, conversational interviews with guests like Tim Carroll, Stu Stone, and Joey “Dub Mentality” Shiver make it a must listen each week. In addition, John started a sister show called “Hobby Quick Hits” where he covers a single topic in a shorter form concept.

Golden Age of Cardboard

Mike Moynihan delivers one of my favorite new podcasts which started in 2020. His vast knowledge of vintage is shared in an educating and entertaining way. I’ve learned a ton about vintage sets, buying strategies, and resources which make collecting vintage more accessible. He’s had a YouTube show for several years, but since I don’t watch a ton of YouTube content I wasn’t aware of him. I’m so happy he joined the podcast club! Check out his show Here.

Sports Cards Live

Sports Cards Live is hosted by Jeremy Lee every week as a live YouTube show. It is then also distributed as a podcast which is where I pick it up every week. Jeremy has fantastic guests from both the business and collector sides of the hobby, and his ability to engage the audience is one of the primary reasons his show has caught on so quickly. Search for Sports Cards Live on YouTube or your podcast app of choice and follow Jeremy on Twitter @sportscardsliv1.

Nascard Radio

It’s not easy to find NASCAR trading card information, so I was excited to see Val from NasCardRadio.com start a podcast.  Val and Jason cover recent race results and dig into some of the more obscure racing card sets.  Follow Val @NascardRadio.

Mojobreak The Hype

Dan and Doug discuss recent releases, hobby news, and industry trends in a fun entertaining way.  I enjoy the friendly bantering of the business partners and friends.  As with some of the other shows above, they don’t pull any punches, and call it like they see it. I recommend checking out their show, especially if you are into breaking. Check them out @mojobreak_com.

Sports Card Insights with Dr. James Beckett

Dr. Beckett started a podcast in 2019 as a way to “document” his decades of experience in the hobby. He has shows covering key contributors to the hobby over the years, guests who share their knowledge, and he shares insights on key collecting topics. I had the honor and privilege to be a part of three episodes!

Wax Museum

This is another weekly basketball card focused podcast, and each episode provides some interesting takeaways. Three of my favorite episodes are 53-55 which released in March of 2020 and cover the history of NBA cards. I can’t say enough good things about those episodes if you want to learn some basketball card history! You can learn more @WaxMuseumPC

I know there are probably more great shows out there, let me know which ones I’m missing in the comments below!

Check out my Blog for more hobby thoughts.  You many enjoy my ideas to help grow the industry, exploring if it takes money to make money, and answering the question “Are my cards worth anything?